(2023 - 2024)

Released in 2024, Adrian Duke’s “Great Again” series advances a possible answer to one of the most irrelevant questions posed among today’s nouveau-wise: “What would it take to make America ‘great’ again?”

One answer, of course, would be waiting until around four hundred years after homo sapiens have finally become extinct, giving our former Mother Earth time to recover a bit from humankind’s parting gifts. Eventually, new species and less vainglorious phyla would slowly emerge. So as they begin to explore their new home (in this now greatest of all countries) why not take a peek into these newly fertile lands where a nation’s capital once stood? 434-466-2531

GREAT AGAIN #1 (capitol building with bison)

GREAT AGAIN #3 (white house with hairless cats)

GREAT AGAIN #2 (Lincoln memorial with wiener dogs)

GREAT AGAIN #4 (washington monument with chickens)


Adrian Duke’s debut Abandoned Hospital series of paintings are works that attempt to answer the existential question, “What would it feel like to chance upon an abandoned hospital, and have a resident animal become aware of your presence? . . . and then, in a moment of transcendent clarity, feel their judgement?”

(2022 - 2023) 434-466-2531